
Although the issue of refugees is more present today than in 2015, it still goes unnoticed, and only hits the headlines when many people die, or to stir up a controversy.

Mayyar Skhaita, asylum seeker and amin character of 'S'ha de fer'

Amnesty International Catalonia launches Welcome Communities –Comunitats Acollidores, a miniseries that gives real examples of refugees who have started a good new life with the active help of locals.

Refugee camp in  Democratic Republic of Congo. The Guardian.

In its latest report, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) claims the situation in DRC is critical since December.   

Siria App.

Thousands of people who have suffered serious inequalities need to tell their stories and make themselves heard. With this App, many will be able to show sympathy with those suffering from inequalities.

A mother and her son looking for a better future. Photo: CAFOD Photo Library, Flickr

The international human rights organisation denounces European governments as supportive of exploitation and smuggling of refugees in Libya.

Members of the Refugees Welcome platform. Photo: Refugees Welcome International (Facebook)

On Sunday 12th November, 27 representatives from 14 countries gathered to address the challenges faced by countries in the refugees networks.

Rohingya people in Bangladesh. Photo: European Comission DG, Flickr

The NGO supports Caritas Bangladesh's emergency plan with an injection that will help 70,000 displaced people.

A global day of secret Gigs.   Source: Amnesty International

Musicians, refugees and communities are coming together to recognise the things that unite them.

Mikel Ayestaran workin in Sana'a (Yemen) - Image: Mikel Ayestaran

The journalist helps us to discover and understand Middle East, a region that is often talked about, but which is largely unknown to many.

Displaced looking for hope. Photo: CEAR

The fifteenth annual report "Refugees in Spain and Europe" calls for a Government Pact for the right to asylum.

Kitchen from a restaurant. Photo: Pixabay

They also help unemployed teenagers get a job.


Many of us, volunteers, have travelled to refugee camps, some of us more than once, but yet they still need more hands. How is this possible?

