social action

Contributing to a local project is a great way to do tourism, exchanging cultural values and knowledges.

Giovanni Allegretti, urban planner and researcher at CES (Center for Social Studies) at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal.

Interview with Giovanni Allegretti, urban planner and researcher at CES (Center for Social Studies) at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal.


This report is part of the "Territories in Transition" initiative of the Third Sector Platform of Catalonia, which wants to publicize the social agenda and the third sector in other places in the world. 

Ricardo Lema: "Leisure and recreation are essential to ensure well-being and promote humanizing experiences"

Ricardo Lema, an expert from Uruguay on methodologies and practices for education and sociocultural action, will take part in the round table of the first international congress on leisure and sociocultural action.
