third sector

Antonella Pasquini.    Source: Adrià Milan

Antonella Pasquini, supervisor and trainer of Lo Scrigno, talks about the leadership and entrepreneurial competences in the third sector organizations.


Generating knowledge based on assessing the direct actions of an organisation will allow it to gain capacity in terms of its actions and influence, and move forwards from a limited scope of action to a broader field.

The report's cover.   Source: Wirtschafts Universität de Viena

The Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien has published a report explaining the current state of the Third Sector in European territory.

Monika Stickler.

Monika Stickler, from Österreichische Rotes Kreuz, talks about the leadership and entrepreneurial competences in the third sector organizations.

Computer screen. Image: Pixabay

EU3leader launches two online meetings with representatives of the non-profit sector to be held in the month of November.

Gethyn Williams.      Source: Evessio

Gethyn Williams, director of Development and engagement of Contact, talks about the leadership and entrepreneurial competences in the third sector organizations.


We maintain that any goal to eradicate poverty must first and foremost be based on a radical change of approach and be inspired by the intelligence and resistance of people who have been excluded.

Image of the campaign. Image: Stop Poverty

The global movement ATD Fourth World calls to action in order to make a world without poverty. Dozens of events have been prepared on the 17th October. 

Newspapers. Photo: Wikimedia

The publication will be a supplement to the daily "Corriere della Sera", and intends to broadcast news related to solidarity-based economic and social issues.

Margherita Bacigalupo.

Margherita Bacigalupo, research fellow at Joint Research Centre of European Commission, talks about the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) and how non-profit organizations could benefit to it.

Image from Third Sector Impact video.   Source: Third Sector Impact.

The study carried out by the platform Third Sector Impact provides a clearer understanding of this sector, its scope and its scale, by studying the existing and potential impacts, as well as the barriers it faces.

Sidi Si, at the center of the image. Photo: YAA

Youth in Action Association is a non-profit established in the community of Kédougou, which works on projects relating to children, health and community development.

