Our authors

David Bondia

David Bondia

Lecturer of International Public Law at the University of Barcelona and president of the IDHC Institute.

Author's articles

Stop manipulation of refugees

How are we not outraged regarding the treatment that refugees receive in Lesbos by the police and xenophobic groups? How can we accept this obvious proclamation of a permanent state of emergency against people seeking asylum?

Should we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

December 10th is one of those dates marked on the calendars of all social movements, activists, media and politicians, but, should we celebrate it?

Today, emerging human rights

We must be aware that the recognition of the rights inherent to the human being is a process under constant evolution and that is constantly updated.

Latest opinions

A bridge of cultures: travels, learning, and commitment to Senegal.

Social, responsible, local, sustainable... the banking sector constantly seeks adjectives to cleanse a deservedly tarnished public image. But... what do we find when we examine its practices?

What are the socio-environmental impacts of the clothes we wear? Do we know the path it takes to reach us and where it ends up once we launch it?