Our authors

Karlos Castilla

Karlos Castilla

Doctor in law, specialist in human rights and member of the Board of SOS Racism.

Author's articles

74 years for freedom, equality, dignity and rights

From a global perspective, the current situation of human rights doesn’t look very promising; however, there is room for action, there is still time.

I am not racist, but...

Racism can’t be eliminated only through discourse, legislation or black screens on our social media; it requires a much deeper change.

Latest opinions

For some people in vulnerable situations, the arrival of Christmas can become a bitter period that further accentuates the social and economic inequalities they are experiencing.

It is not just about celebrating diversity but about guaranteeing the conditions so that everyone can be part of this community on equal terms to complete this project of an inclusive Barcelona.

Special event – December 10th, Barcelona – Adressing school segregation for social justice