Highlight Coni Ledesma: "The Filipino revolutionary movement is working to build a new government" Nerea Ramírez: "One of the most worrying trends we’ve observed is the loss of our ability as a society to imagine positive futures.”Interview Ruth Mañero: "Education and support are the keys to starting to break the cycle of child poverty"Interview Eduardo Melero: "There are numerous traps and obstacles that hinder effective control of the arms trade"Interview Vidalina Morales: "Metallic mining has subjected El Salvador to exploitation and social division"Interview Lourdes Muñoz: "We want to build a new perspective: data feminism"Interview Lluís Torrens: "With political will and a fiscal reform, it is possible to establish universal basic income"Interview Noemí Fuster: "The fishmeal industry is causing very harmful impacts in Gambia"Interview Núria Moya: "Let's review whether we do a selective reception according to the origin of the people who arrive"Interview Lissa Fuentes: "Now I have the great opportunity to help trans refugees"Interview Khurshid Wardak: "There are no words to describe it"Interview Eva Erill: "Who will support a project to help a conflict-ridden country that no one talks about?"Interview Xavier Adsarà: "In Haiti, there is a permanent violation of human rights and absolute impunity"Interview Sarah Loriato: "We believe in the importance of adopting a rights-based and life-course approach to ageing and promoting cooperation between generations to combat ageism"Interview Mila Font: "Widespread and indiscriminate attacks on civilians, medical personnel and health facilities must cease immediately"Interview show more