
Countdown to the Fundraising Conference 2018

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    The event takes place on 22-23 May in London.
    The event takes place on 22-23 May in London.

The event will be brimming with innovative ideas and fresh thinking to inject into fundraising strategies in the third sector.

The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) of London will host the conference on 22-23 May. The event will explore major innovations across the digital space, individual giving, major donors, corporate partnerships, trusts and foundations.

The attendees could enjoy of some workshops, panel discussions and networking opportunities where discuss the next themes:

  • Impact of GDPR on the fundraising model: The biggest concern of the sector, this theme will be running through the two days with a number of sessions addressing it in a different capacity, from exploring new income streams to identifying major donors in.
  • The change in giving trends: With the rise of online giving platforms and crowdfunding, how are giving trends shifting?
  • Social media strategies and supporter journey: With the introduction of GDPR, charities are really focusing their efforts on retention, therefore it is important to have a consistent and interesting message on social. How can charities use social to convey their cause and mission, how can they convert followers into a regular-giving programme, and how can they keep donors engaged?
  • Video: How do you use video to raise funds (not just brand awareness), how do you shoot and edit without using a studio and how and where do you push it out?
  • The changes to corporates CSR model: How has the model evolved and how charities will need to evolve approach to align with this?

You can look at the conference agenda.

If you are interested in taking part in the conference, you may fill out the application form

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