nonprofit organizations

virtual volunteering allows volunteers to be more available on a daily basis and to offer help in their area of expertise.

In the midst of an increasingly digitized world, virtual volunteering is gaining momentum as a powerful tool for social change. 

Bruce Petherick, family support coordinator from Autism Society.
Bruce Petherick, autistic advocate, tells us the reality of people with autism in Canada and the role he plays in Autism Canada.
The Moldovan organizations visited Catalonia to learn  of Catalan inclusion enterprises.

On 22 May, the Federació d'Empreses d'Inserció de Catalunya (FEICAT) and the Taula del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya hosted around fifteen social economy and non-profit organizations from Moldova. 


Volunteering will fulfil the mission for which it was established by the organisation. The organisation must know the person well, and the person must know the organisation well.

Fundraising conference 2018

The event will be brimming with innovative ideas and fresh thinking to inject into fundraising strategies in the third sector.


This social network characterized by simplicity, immediacy and synthesis is very much used by all sorts of organizations.

TURN ONline teamwork, Barcelona 2017

Nowadays, it is crucial for organizations to be present both offline and online. The digital world becomes more and more present in our daily life, but do organizations exactly know how to profit from it? 


David Martí talks about Frederic Laloux's book, 'Reinventing organizations' and how organizations that base their model on just three basic principles: self-responsibility, plenitude and an evolutionary purpose, are possible.

Monika Stickler.

Monika Stickler, from Österreichische Rotes Kreuz, talks about the leadership and entrepreneurial competences in the third sector organizations.

Gethyn Williams.      Source: Evessio

Gethyn Williams, director of Development and engagement of Contact, talks about the leadership and entrepreneurial competences in the third sector organizations.

Margherita Bacigalupo.

Margherita Bacigalupo, research fellow at Joint Research Centre of European Commission, talks about the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) and how non-profit organizations could benefit to it.
