The organisation of activities, workshops, conferences, courses or seminars is a common everyday task for non-profit organisations. We can tell you about a few tricks to maximise your performance using the tools provided by the internet.
An event is an occurrence of great importance, used by NGOs to share their projects and to publicise information related to their missions. There’s a vast variety of types of events: courses and seminars, conferences, round tables, cineforums, gatherings, walks, photography and art exhibitions, etc... The internet often offers several options for helping share the event and inform the public of the objectives of the organisation. Here, we provide you with some suggestions on how to achieve the best results when sharing your events online.
1) Post your event on your web page and highlight it!
The cover letter of any non-profit organisation is their web page. In this space, they share news and information about themselves with people online - who they are, what they do and how to contact them. Sharing the event on your NGO web page will ensure that internal and external stakeholders will know about your activity. Yet this is not enough - highlight it and pin it on your homepage to attract attention and avoid visitors going crazy looking for it! And finally, geolocalising is also a good option for making the location known.
2) Use the “Events” tool on Facebook!
Social networks are brilliant communication tools for reaching large numbers of people. Facebook allows you to create an event and to perform actions like controlling the turnout, sending reminders about the date of the event, sharing information regarding the event with only those taking part, and gaining higher visibility. Other networks like Twitter and Instagram can also help in sharing the event, in particular, through the proper use of hashtags.
3) Send bulletins or newsletter updates to your readers!
Email marketing tools are used for directly reaching the inbox of stakeholders close to your organisation. Creating a bulletin including information about the event - like time, location, guest speakers, or how to sign up - is a quick, simple, and effective way to reach many people who have already been in contact with your NGO.
4) Why not design a publicity campaign in Google AdWords?
Google offers a grant programme specifically for non-profit organisations called Google for Nonprofits. Through this programme, NGOs can opt for an advertising grant in Google AdWords to use for sharing their projects and working with SEM on Google. Web users often find information through Google, and coming upon the advert for your event may entice them.
5) Collect your organisation’s pictures in an album!
Keeping a photo gallery on your social networks, either through albums or on your web page, is a very powerful visual tool to show how your event went. Through these images, people online can see what happened during the event, and you can share a series of values that can encourage them to join the cause.
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