Newsletter No. 14

Tuesday, 11 July 2017 - No. 14
ISSN 2696-9734

News & Interviews

The spokesperson of the Catalan Refugee Aid Commission, Pascale Coissard, tells us about the situation experienced by many refugees and the task carried out by her organisation to defend their rights.

We engage in a conversation with the woman in charge of the educational programmes at CEMSE, a Bolivian organization that, together with other organizations, has set up a pioneering project to prevent violence in classrooms.

“Live from the Air in the Sky” is a pioneering Catalan initiative developed by EOLPOP to build a wind turbine cooperative.

Charities and individuals from across Scotland were together in Edinburgh on 22 June being nominated in eight different award categories, plus the People’s Choice Award.

#WhiteWesdnesdays is a social media initiative launched by the activist Masih Alinejad aiming to empower women and giving them a voice. 

The organisation of activities, workshops, conferences, courses or seminars is a common everyday task for non-profit organisations. We can tell you about a few tricks to maximise your performance using the tools provided by the internet.


If organisations are not managed well, they won’t be efficient enough when it comes to provide assistance to its beneficiaries and hence, their social impact will be lower.

The expert on project management, crowdfunding and communications for NGO shares his thoughts about what to change for the World Environment Day.

We are devastated by the recent turn of events here in South Sudan. Too many people have already lost their lives in this senseless war. is a project of
Departament de Drets Socials i Inclusió- Generalitat de Catalunya

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