Newsletter No. 72

Friday, 01 July 2022 - No. 72
ISSN 2696-9734

News & Interviews

The board member of Women Have Options organization, tells us about the consequences of restrictives abortion laws and the main obstacles that these women face in carrying out a safe abortion.

The social researcher places the actions and power of civil society and neighbourhoods at the centre. These actors can also make very positive contributions.

The triangle formed by Serbia, Hungary and Romania is a key point for the more than 3,000 refugees migrating from Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan being trapped on this Balkan route, as warned by No Name Kitchen.

The Associació Infància Robada El Vendrell (El Vendrell Stolen Children’s Association) seeks to raise awareness about the problem of human trafficking and attends to all kinds of people who are victims of this invisible reality.

A joint mission of NOVACT and the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) has traveled to the conflict to gather support and document citizen resistance initiatives, which will be captured in a series of videos.

The School for a Culture of Peace's report, ‘Alerta 2022!’, analyzes armed conflicts and tensions in the world, while identifying opportunities for peacebuilding.


The battle we face seems to be an uphill one. We need to fight, not only for recognition, but for full acceptance, dignity, and the right to equality and equity.

In a country full of racism, classism, coloniality and exclusions, aren't large doses of love essential to overcome them? Is it not necessary to remind ourselves every moment that ‘I am because we are’?

We as a society must educate ourselves and make it an LGBT+ inclusive society, to make world a happy place for all. We must be the change. is a project of
Departament de Drets Socials i Inclusió- Generalitat de Catalunya

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