Our authors


Emily Sun

Experienced HR and leadership development professional with over 20 years’ experience in leading and advising organisations, has worked in multiple non-profit organisations working with NEET young people, including The Private Equity Foundation, on leadership development, organisational effectiveness, strategy and fundraising.

Author's articles

"We often focus a great deal of our energies on the processes, systems or tasks that need to be changed, and not enough on the attitudes...

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Carme Suñé, Vice President of FundiPau and member of the Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament.

Activism for the elimination of nuclear weapons involves constant work in raising public awareness and in political advocacy.

This comprehensive article highlights that age equality played a minimal role during the electoral campaigns, although some changes occurred...

Daryna Kyshchak

My experience as a volunteer was an eye-opener to the lived realities of thousands of refugees around the world. I understood the importance...