
Adriana Ribas

To reach a better, fairer, and more sustainable future, the European Union must place human rights first and at the heart of its debates and actions. 

"We call for a Europe that prioritizes reception and protection, ensuring medical assistance, ending violence along borders, establishing a...

Òscar Camps

"We demand an answer and accountability for this unacceptable attack and call on the international community to double its efforts to protect...

Josep Perelló.

Citizen science is defined as an emerging trend in the ways of doing science. Efforts draw on citizens’ involvement in research tasks. This...

Javier Gómez, Specialist in management of voluntary groups, education and popular culture.

Every day we read more and more headlines on cyber-risk and network security for companies and institutions of all sorts; articles warning on...

David Karvala and Julie Sherry.

David Karvala and Julie Sherry, joint coordinators of World Against Racism and Fascism (WARAF), comment on the challenges around the world,...

Cristina Bravo.

When a child tells an adult "I'm bored", can it be a sign that something is wrong?