climate change

Environmental degradation and climate change are impacting us all — our health, economy and society. To address growing challenges and impacts, Europe has set ambitious policies and targets.

Verònica González is a staunch environmental activist and is now a member of Rebellion and Extinction Barcelona.

The Extinction Rebellion activist in Barcelona demands urgent action and fundamental measures to address the serious drought situation and the climate emergency we are facing.

The Climate Summits are annual meetings organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

The youth organization YOUNGO, which brings together youth organizations fighting the climate emergency, has presented the Global Youth Declaration for Climate Justice in Dubai.

Clàudia Custodio, researcher at the Global Debt Observatory, in an action at COP28.

The researcher of the Observatory of Debt in Globalization talks to us from Dubai about the negotiations that are being carried out at COP28.

The Centre Delàs, alongside other international organizations, publishes 'The Climate in Crossfire'.

The Centre Delàs, alongside other international organizations, publishes 'The Climate in Crossfire,' a study on how NATO's 2% military spending target contributes to the climate collapse.


Nusa Urbancic, CEO, Changing Markets Foundation, investigates Nestlé’s lack of climate action. If they are serious about tackling climate change Nestlé and other food companies have to deliver more ambitious action on methane

Ayesha Barenblat is Remake’s Founder and CEO.

Ayesha Barenblat, founder and CEO of remake, shares with us the beginnings and purpose of the organization fighting for fair pay and climate justice.

Joan Carles Montes, spokesperson for the Humana Foundation.

The Humana Foundation is a Catalan organization that was born in 1987 in Barcelona. It has been dedicated to the collection and reuse of clothes for 36 years, and is present throughout Spain.

5 organizations make use of works and spaces to promote a social and sustainable message against climate change.
In the face of escalating environmental challenges, art organizations demonstrate the power of creativity to raise awareness about the pressing issue of climate change. 
In Palestine, thanks to the Palestinian Farmer's Union, pilot projects are already being developed to address the effects of climate change on agriculture.

Agricultural practices centered around the use of pesticides and chemicals significantly exacerbate climate change, which is why the Palestinian Farmer's Union is already devising methods to change the sector.

Desperta collective, art and nature. Participatory group in the Jardí del Silenci.

We harness the power of influence of the arts and green entrepreneurship to raise awareness of environmental issues and encourage positive behavior change.

Beatriz Felipe has been studying the phenomenon of climate migration for more than ten years.

Climate migration is a concept being used more and more often, but applying for refuge based on this reason is not yet envisaged as a possibility and, in fact, it is complicated to justify migration based on this.

