
construction of the third phase of the school

The initiative will take place on December 22 and 23 in Mataró to raise funds and get high school and high school education for all children and youth in the neighborhood of 'Thiaroye'.

Patricia Calvo has been repeating the experience in Tanzania for five years.

The support of voluntary native people of the NGO 'Voluntariado África' allowed Calvo to establish links with the people and appreciate the cultural impact of a territory different from the western mindset.

Up to 75% of children in more deprived regions of poor countries can’t read a single word.   Source: Pencils of promise.

250 million children of primary school age lack basic reading, writing and math skills. This founding works in deprived regions to reduce these figures.  

School in 'Tzhat Ya Lar'. Source: Colabora Birmania

The construction of the 'Kyel Dagon' school in the village of 'Tzhat Ya Lar' in the Ayayarwaddy Delta in southern Burma is the only opportunity for children in this area to finish high school

27 countries from all around Europe are participating in this project.

The platform is a comprehensive database of national structures, policies and actions supporting young people and it covers the eight main fields of action identified in the 2010-2018 EU Youth Strategy.


Since 2016, 61 refugees or asylum seekers have benefited from Open University of Catalonia (UOC)’s virtual classes.

Maria Lucuy - Photo: Joan Rosinach

We engage in a conversation with the woman in charge of the educational programmes at CEMSE, a Bolivian organization that, together with other organizations, has set up a pioneering project to prevent violence in classrooms.

Eduard Vallory

Do scout groups educate? Do they indoctrinate? Are scout groups a space for the upper and middle classes and are they unable to accommodate families living in less favourable social and economic situations? The expert in education Eduard Vallory goes through the current challenges of scouting.

Jelen Amador / Photo: Gencat

Jelen Amador, a 27-year-old PhD student, is a member of the Drom association, aiming to promote access to university for the Roma community by giving informative sessions in high schools.

Books. Photo: Max pIXEL

The Argentine government and the USA-based non-profit Blue Rose Compass are going to grant 1.000 asylum-seekers over the next five years.

Samuel's question / Photo: Spanish State Council of the Roma People

Within the framework of the International Roma Day, the State Council of the Roma People launched a campaign involving Samuel and his question, pointing at the lacking presence of Roma people in schoolbooks.

Frame from the #GirlsCount video. Image: Youtube

130 million girls won’t go to school today. Not because they do not want to, but because they do not have the opportunity. The campaign seeks to sound an alarm, urging all state governments to mobilize resources to get all girls to attend school.

