
Evolution of asylum applications in Spain.

The Catalan Asylum Action Committee (CCAR) has presented the 2023 yearbook: 'The asylum situation in Catalonia and the world'.

Job guidance.

The 'Horitzó Laboral' programme, funded by the Ministry of Social Rights, helps migrants improve their employability through personalized support and training.

Khurshid came with her mother from Afghanistan.

Khurshid Wardak talks about her experience as a refugee and what her journey is like, but also who and how they helped her.

There can be several reasons why a person migrates, such as escaping conflict, persecution, terrorism or rights violations, among others.

The testimonies of refugees can help raise awareness in society about the situation that millions of people suffer every day.

Susana Borràs.

Susana Borràs-Pentinat, a member of the Centre for the Study of Environmental Law of Tarragona shares her thoughts on the need to deal with migration holistically.

The new migration regulation that is key to completing a new Migration and Asylum Pact in the European Union (EU).

Advocacy organizations for the rights of refugees are wary of the first step of the Migration and Asylum Pact in the European Union, agreed upon by European interior ministers.

Laila Ajjawi, artist and advocate for the rights of migrants and refugees.

As part of the ‘Cities Defending Human Rights’ program, artist and activist Laila Ajjawi visits Barcelona to share the story of her art, her community, and to emphasize her identity as a Palestinian refugee.

Caminando Fronteras numbers more than 2,300 victims who attempted to enter Spain in 2022.

The organisation highlights the lethal consequences of the necropolitical boundary in a report entitled 'Monitoring the Right to Life - 2022’.

The border between Mexico and Guatemala is one of the most dangerous in the world, and crossing it involves serious situations of all kinds of violence.

Feminist cooperative Almena works on the project ‘Feminist shelter: Let’s transform together’, and its main objective is to contribute to the well-being of women, teenagers and girls applying for asylum on the border between Mexico and Guatemala.

The organization wants to offer advanced technological training for people who come to Catalonia with previous studies.

MigraCode is a project aiming to meet the needs of migrants and refugees who have training in the field of technology or wish to have so.

A woman doing forced labor.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) have released new figures on labour and forced marriage

Blanes Solidari is an organization that will turn thirty years old this year.

Blanes Solidari is an organization that has been involved in many social causes and has worked to promote diverse organizational spaces over its almost three decades of existence.

