
The reform of the regulation respects the right of young migrants to integration and participation in our society.

‘The prize is not a medal, it is saving your life’ is the slogan of the ‘Change the rules’ campaign.

La Comissió Espanyola d'Ajuda al Refugiat (Spanish Commission for Refugees) demands that the authorities guarantee the rights of migrants and refugees.

The pilot project Origen of the NGO ProActiva Open Arms has the main goal of informing the local population of the risks of migrating.

Proactiva Open Arms launched the project Origen because many people rescued at sea expressed the idea that had they received more information they wouldn’t have embarked on the journey.

Fifteen people drowned on Tarajal beach in Ceuta trying to cross from Morocco.

The APDHA has organised an annual march since 2014 to preserve the memory of those who drowned in February of that year, and demands that the reality of borders and migration policies be made visible.

The Ministry of the Interior ordered the reopening of the CIE in Barcelona in October.

Irídia states in the CIE 2020 Report that at least three complainants have been deported a few days after their complaints of ill-treatment were filed.

Image shared by Oscar Camps on Twitter of the rescue carried out by Open Arms.

Six people have died as a result of the shipwreck of a small boat in the Central Mediterranean, one of them a six-month-old baby, who had been urgently evacuated by the ship of the Badalona-based NGO.


The New European Pact regulating migration and asylum does not come close to guaranteeing access to the asylum procedure with every guarantee and will encourage collective returns of migrants and potential applicants for international protection.

The NGO have invested in small and continued repairs.

With the efforts of the NGO in danger, the founder, Òscar Camps, asks for help in order to face a definitive repair of the boat or to be able to buy a new one. Two economically unbearable situations in the current context.

Nour el Hadi started a new life in Barcelona 11 years ago.

We talked to Nour El Hadi, a young sports educator born in Morocco and living in Barcelona who has found the path to inclusion through sports.

Some NGOs, the academia and other working groups are making big efforts so that climate-related causes are added to the grounds for seeking a refugee status.

Same World is a European project to raise awareness on environmental justice, dealing also with climate refugees. We talk to Gigi Guizzo from the Asceps association, and the person in charge of the project in Catalonia.

Gemma Pinyol explains that "the right to seek asylum and maritime rescue are being violated"

The growing number of minors and youths that migrate alone has pushed the protection system to the brink of collapsing.


In Italy, Spain and other countries we see racist and xenophobic speeches and policies rising, aggressions and violence against migrant people and activists being normalized… just like we are back to our darkest times.

