
5 books about testimonies of refugees

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    There can be several reasons why a person migrates, such as escaping conflict, persecution, terrorism or rights violations, among others.
    There can be several reasons why a person migrates, such as escaping conflict, persecution, terrorism or rights violations, among others. Source: Canva.

The testimonies of refugees can help raise awareness in society about the situation that millions of people suffer every day.

Usually, the journey of refugees is devastating , cruel and dehumanizing where many people do not manage to reach their destination. Below are five literary works that give visibility to testimonies and shocking realities that aim to raise awareness of the situation of millions of people who risk everything to be able to have a life with opportunities.

Dreaming of peace

Dreaming of Peace is a work by Nadia Ghulam , Afghan refugee, peace activist, educator at Fundesplai and founder of the Bridges for Peace organization .

The book, published in 2022, narrates the experiences of Nadia and her family in Kabul , Afghanistan , both of the people who managed to find refuge in Spain and those who remained in Afghanistan. The work aims to ensure that the current situation of refugees and those who could not escape the terror of hunger and violence are not forgotten.

Journey to the country of the whites

Voyage al país dels blancs is a work published in 2021, it is an autobiographical book that tells the story of Ousman Umar . Ousman is a young man from Ghana who dreamed of the world of white men, after four years of traversal, which was hell and saw many of his friends die , he arrived in Europe. When he arrived he had to face detention for being a person in an irregular situation , racism , sleeping on the street...

After much suffering, he arrived in Barcelona and with a lot of effort and the support of the Red Cross , his life began to change. In 2012, the author founded Nasco feeding minds , an organization based in Ghana and Barcelona to offer digital literacy to the youth of his native country.

The moon is in Duala and my destiny is in knowledge

The moon is in Duala and my destiny in knowledge is written by Sani Ladan , anti-racist activist and cultural mediator, born in Duala, Cameroon.

The autobiographical work, published in 2022, recounts the dangerous journey he made, from Cameroon to Europe. He made the crossing when he was fifteen years old in order to achieve his dream , to receive an education that would help him develop as a human being.

Refugees: Facing the humanitarian catastrophe, a real solution

Sami Naïr , political scientist and expert in geopolitics and migration , of Argentine origin, published the essay Refugees: Frente a la catastrofe humanitariania, una solución real in 2016 .

The work aims to shed light on the devastating reality of people in a migration situation who arrive in Europe and how the government bodies are not up to the circumstances. The book offers possible solutions and alternative actions for the current situation.

Refugee, an African odyssey

Refugee, an African odyssey is a work , published in 2022, by Emmanuel Mbolela , writer and political activist. The autobiographical book explains the odyssey that the author suffered. In his country of origin, the Democratic Republic of the Congo , he was persecuted and arrested for his political commitment . Once he was released, he began a journey that lasted six years until he was granted refugee status in the Netherlands.

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