
The Bayt al-Thaqafa Foundation offers accommodation resources and support to refugees or asylum seekers.

We speak with Núria Moya, co-responsible for the International Protection area of ​​the Bayt al-Thaqafa Foundation, about how refugees are currently received in Catalonia, which needs are met and which are not.

Evolution of asylum applications in Spain.

The Catalan Asylum Action Committee (CCAR) has presented the 2023 yearbook: 'The asylum situation in Catalonia and the world'.

Barcelonas UdG University is currently drawing up a protocol for the recognition of previous studies .

At the University of Girona (UdG) , the Social Commitment and Professional Guidance Unit (UCSOP) manages several aid and support programs for refugees.


In 2022, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) approved its ' International Emergencies and Alerts Protocol ', which incorporated, as an annex, the Refugee Reception Program.


In 2022, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) approved its ' International Emergencies and Alerts Protocol ', which incorporated, as an annex, the Refugee Reception Program.

Event 'Barcelona: City and university refuge'.

The University of Barcelona (UB) , through the entity Solidaritat UB has had a scholarship program for people from conflict zones since 2015 .

'DiasporART' session, one of FAS’ activities around refugee students.

From its program #UABRefugi, the Catalan university grants tuition fees for people fleeing their countries.

Khurshid came with her mother from Afghanistan.

Khurshid Wardak talks about her experience as a refugee and what her journey is like, but also who and how they helped her.

There can be several reasons why a person migrates, such as escaping conflict, persecution, terrorism or rights violations, among others.

The testimonies of refugees can help raise awareness in society about the situation that millions of people suffer every day.


My experience as a volunteer was an eye-opener to the lived realities of thousands of refugees around the world. I understood the importance of our work to create spaces to meet and create a culture of peace and coexistence. 


At the end of 2023 it was estimated that there were 117.3 million stories of lives forced to leave the place they lived in a forceful way due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights’ violations, and other events that severely altered public order. 

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency celebrates two decades of unstoppable growth.

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency celebrates two decades of unstoppable growth, marred by accusations of human rights violations and lack of transparency. 

