
Khurshid came with her mother from Afghanistan.

Khurshid Wardak talks about her experience as a refugee and what her journey is like, but also who and how they helped her.

There can be several reasons why a person migrates, such as escaping conflict, persecution, terrorism or rights violations, among others.

The testimonies of refugees can help raise awareness in society about the situation that millions of people suffer every day.


My experience as a volunteer was an eye-opener to the lived realities of thousands of refugees around the world. I understood the importance of our work to create spaces to meet and create a culture of peace and coexistence. 


At the end of 2023 it was estimated that there were 117.3 million stories of lives forced to leave the place they lived in a forceful way due to persecution, conflict, violence, human rights’ violations, and other events that severely altered public order. 

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency celebrates two decades of unstoppable growth.

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency celebrates two decades of unstoppable growth, marred by accusations of human rights violations and lack of transparency. 

The European migration pact that questions the right to asylum and undermines human rights

Entities defending the rights of migrants and refugees criticize an agreement that strengthens border control and toughens reception conditions.

Ursula von der Leyen, Mark Rutte, Giorgia Meloni and Kaïs Saïed, during the signing of the agreement. Source: Twitter @vonderleyen

Human rights defender organizations criticize the Brussels pact and the Tunisian government for abandoning hundreds of sub-Saharan refugees at the borders with Libya and Algeria.

Karlos Castilla.

The lead researcher at IDHC calls for a preventive approach to the movement of persons that will be caused by climate emergency.

The new migration regulation that is key to completing a new Migration and Asylum Pact in the European Union (EU).

Advocacy organizations for the rights of refugees are wary of the first step of the Migration and Asylum Pact in the European Union, agreed upon by European interior ministers.

The CCAR lament that the asylum system is overwhelmed.

The Catalan Commission for Action for Refugees (CCAR) demands more commitment from Spain in the protection of people who are persecuted in their countries of origin or residence.

Syrian refugees light wood fires by night and burn plastic to stay warm. Many received medical services from DDD/MDM in a camp in Hatay on Friday, March 3, 2023.

Adam Jacovou,Türkiye Country Director for Project HOPE reminds us of the still significant need of intervention to the ones who still suffer from the consequences of the earthquake.


A wide range of organizations across our society working in the service sector present a space to reflect on sports for refugees, a working day aligned with the International Day of Coexistence in Peace.

