
Andrei Esanu, director of the Federatia Familiilor pentru Unificare si Pace in Lume din Moldova organization.

The director of the Moldovan organization ‘Federatia Familiilor pentru Unificare si Pace in Lume din Moldova’ explains us how they promote unity and peace in families to build a better society.

Evghenii Verbanov, founder of the moldovan organization Peer to Peer.

Evghenii Verbanov, founder of the moldovan organization Peer to Peer shares the beginnings of the organization and its willingness to help people with disabilities.

Irina Vereschagina, public relations specialist of Heart4orphans.
The Charity “Heart4orphans” has been implementing the project “social sewing parlor” aimed at guaranteeing a dignified life for girls and women in accordance with their labor rights.
The Moldovan organizations visited Catalonia to learn  of Catalan inclusion enterprises.

On 22 May, the Federació d'Empreses d'Inserció de Catalunya (FEICAT) and the Taula del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya hosted around fifteen social economy and non-profit organizations from Moldova. 
