nuclear weapons

Activism for the elimination of nuclear weapons involves constant work in raising public awareness and in political advocacy.


Only their complete elimination will prevent this danger

The Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament has been presented to the public at an event in Madrid.

Forty-five organizations from across the state have joined forces to create the Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament, which demands that the Spanish Government adheres to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).


Unlike the more than thirty other armed conflicts currently taking place around the world, the one in Ukraine has revived a latent threat, it has awakened the sleeping monster of nuclear weapons


Today, the effects of the health crisis and the energy, climate and financial emergencies make the need for global cooperation and coordinated actions more necessary than ever before, as well as direct actions to end the war.

Nowadays, no one doubts that the best tool to end the world's nuclear arsenal is the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

The entity goes over the agreement path since its approval and implementation, as well as the obligations that it entails and the support that has gathered till now.


A nuclear exchange would be catastrophic, and nuclear war between the US and Russia would present an existential threat.

Jordi Armadans, the director of the Catalan organization Fundipau.

Jordi Armadans, the director of the Catalan organization Fundipau, highlights the importance of global governance and disarmament and demilitarization for peacebuilding.
