social exclusion

Mihai Bica, Roma Brexit Campaigning and Policy project of Roma Support Group.

The Roma Brexit Campaigning and Policy project of Roma Support Group talks about the role of this non-profit organization and what are the main troubles of Roma people in the UK.  

The project aims to provide collective advice, thermal comfort measures in homes, meetings to learn to reduce energy waste and the creation of mutual support groups.

13 European organisations are behind the “EmpowerMed” project to collectively build the right to energy.

Xavier Baró, president of the Ahead association.

The president of the Ahead association tells us about the projects in the organisation and how the poverty that is brought on by  the pandemic is affecting the most vulnerable groups.

BRAC estimates that it will take at least two more years for an economic recovery with the combined effort of government and non-government organisation.

We have talked with BRAC to know how Covid-19 has affected Bangladesh and its rates of extreme and new poverty.

Abdou Sissoko managed to cross the Mediterranean and reached Malaga.

We talks with Abdou, a malian who managed to cross the Mediterranean and reached Malaga.

Child poverty will increase around the world due to Covid-19 crisis.

44% of new cases of child poverty will be recorded in Europe and Central Asia, according to Save the Children and UNICEF.

Children are allowed to go out to nearby parks to play for 30 minutes a day in company of an adult.

The Programme Manager of Latin American Foundation For the Future (LAFF) talks about the effects of Covid-19 in Peru and how children are suffering the consequences. 

In Nepal, Millions of daily wage workers are unemployed and with families to feed.

Where there is poverty the Coronavirus is considered a minor threat. Millions of daily wage workers are unemployed and with families to feed. We have talked with Hugging Nepal to know how Covid-19 is affecting the country.


The program officer at Mumbai Smiles talks about how the Covid-19 and the consequent confinement are affecting the most vulnerable people in India.

Oscar Camps, the director and founding member of Open Arms.

The director and founding member of Open Arms warns that with rescue vessels stopping their activity, thousands are drowning in the Mediterranean.

In displacement camps, the implementation of basic infection prevention and control measures can be challenging due to the scarcity of resources.

The International Committee of the Red Cross thinks that COVID-19 does not have to be catastrophic for countries with weakened healthcare systems, but it does require the international community to scale up support.

Homeless people have difficulties to access to hygiene and isolation spaces.

Nonprofit organizations urge governments all over the world to take steps to protect the most susceptible from the impacts of the coronavirus.

