
Barcelonas UdG University is currently drawing up a protocol for the recognition of previous studies .

At the University of Girona (UdG) , the Social Commitment and Professional Guidance Unit (UCSOP) manages several aid and support programs for refugees.


In 2022, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) approved its ' International Emergencies and Alerts Protocol ', which incorporated, as an annex, the Refugee Reception Program.


In 2022, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) approved its ' International Emergencies and Alerts Protocol ', which incorporated, as an annex, the Refugee Reception Program.

Event 'Barcelona: City and university refuge'.

The University of Barcelona (UB) , through the entity Solidaritat UB has had a scholarship program for people from conflict zones since 2015 .


SDGs may become a mirror to look into and reflect on and rethink education for the 21st century.

Laia Bernués, territorial delegate of AFEV Barcelona. Photo: AFEV Barcelona

The enTàndem project creates links between university volunteering and children at risk of social exclusion with the aim of encouraging children’s autonomy and self-esteem. 
