
Contributing to bring wellbeing to those living with cancer requires constant work.

Emanuele Alecci, president of Padova European Volunteering Capital.

The president of Padova European Volunteering Capital talks about the many challenges they lie ahead and the current state of volunteering in Padova.

Padova hosts the European Volunteering Capital 2020.

The European Volunteering Capital begins on friday 7th of February with the official opening, an institutional event in which takes part the highest local and European authorities.

Platform Trip-Drop is a social project established in 2009.

Anyone who is interested in travelling to give a hand will find it easy. All you must do is search for a destination and discover the needs and projects and how you can collaborate.


The end of one year and new expectations from the new is a good time to see what has remained significant in the year behind us and what can be the inspiration for the future.


The relationship established with its environment and the people with whom they collaborate or support is completely different from the one with the professional and technical team of the organization.

Six international volunteers from the newly formed ‘Green Team’ took part in the meeting.

The second meeting of PlayGreen's project took place in Tallinn to move forward with the aim to lower the environmental impact of sports competitions and make them more sustainable.

Berlin will host the European Volunteering Capital in 2021.

The city has been chosen ahead of the other candidate, the Cypriot town of Strovolos.


'Esplais' and scouts are the only projects offering camps that are completely self-managed by instructors, children and families.

Riet Vell received more volunteers during summer, but any time of the year is good

Today we talk with Sofia Rivaes, the coordinator for volunteering at the Riet Vell nature reserve by the delta of the Ebro river, managed by the organization SEO Birdlife.

Image of the first meeting of the project, held in Berlin last January.

The project “Through the Lens of The other” encourages positive attitudes, ending prejudice and fostering the integration of less favoured persons.

The project's kick-off meeting took place in Malta on 27-28 of March 2019

It aims to generate volunteering opportunities for young people focused on sport and the environment through the development of a pioneering format.

