
One of the actions of the campaign Stop the Wars in Lleida.

The 'Stop the wars' campaign organizes demonstrations in front of government offices to say no to war escalation and militarism, while proposing alternatives such as non-violent struggle.

The report condemns the actions of the Israeli army to test different military materials and products on the civilian population.

The report ‘Combat proven business’ analyzes the current situation of the arms industry’s transactions in Israel and how it affects Palestine and its population.


Media coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict since the Russian government started manoeuvring in February 2022 requires a critical approach forcing us to leave aside binary readings to dive deeper into the context.


Today, the effects of the health crisis and the energy, climate and financial emergencies make the need for global cooperation and coordinated actions more necessary than ever before, as well as direct actions to end the war.

Nowadays, no one doubts that the best tool to end the world's nuclear arsenal is the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

The entity goes over the agreement path since its approval and implementation, as well as the obligations that it entails and the support that has gathered till now.

The 'Caravan of Laughter' has sent seven expeditions to Poland since the Ukrainian war began.

The 'Caravan of Laughter', the most genuine project of Pallassos Sense Fronteres (Clowns Without Borders), has sent seven expeditions to Poland since the start of the war in Ukraine to provide emotional support to refugees.


Traffickers and exploitation networks take advantage of the despair of the population leaving their homes.

The measures applied to unaccompanied children depend on each state but should ensure their well-being wherever they are.

Eurochild’s Policy and Project Officer, Ciaran O’Donnell, and Stela Grigoras and Ina Verzivolli from UNICEF ECARO, extend the information given in their recent publication "How can we support children fleeing Ukraine?"

The war in ukraine forced many children to leave ukraine facing all the problems alone.

Ciaran O’Donnell, Policy and Project Officer from Eurochild, Stela Grigoras and Ina Verzivolli from UNICEF ECARO tell us about the circumstances these children live since they are “very varied and their challenges manifold”.


Even if the war stops today, complex health-related challenges will linger, and Ukrainian health authorities will require a major external investment to rebuild their health care system.

The report 'Alerta 2022!' analyzes the state of the world in terms of conflict and peacebuilding.

The School for a Culture of Peace's report, ‘Alerta 2022!’, analyzes armed conflicts and tensions in the world, while identifying opportunities for peacebuilding.

Participation of refugee students in the UAB Festival.

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has started a fundraising campaign to help ensure that refugees arriving in Catalonia can continue their studies.

