
Blood donations in emergency situations, new WHO campaign

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    World Blood Donor Day. Image: Pixabay
    World Blood Donor Day. Image: Pixabay
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    Different types of blood. Image: Pixabay
    Different types of blood. Image: Pixabay
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    WHO Logo. Image: Wikipedia
    WHO Logo. Image: Wikipedia

During the World Blood Donor Day, the World Health Organization will highlight blood donors’ dedication to help those who have suffered any natural disaster, accident, or armed conflict.

World Health Organization (WHO), to commemorate World Blood Donor Day, has disclosed that there are 108 million blood donations at a global scale, and that 62 countries gather 100% of blood donations from volunteers and unpaid donors. On June 14th, 2017, a special leitmotiv dedicated to blood donations in humanitarian emergency situations caused by natural disasters, accidents, or armed conflicts will take place. “What can you do? Give blood. Give now. Give often” is the WHO campaign’s slogan, calling on blood donors to prevent deaths, such as the nearly 1 million that have occurred during the last decade caused by natural disasters.

This event expects to raise public awareness of the necessity of having access to blood and blood products; as well as thanking all blood donors for their collaboration that allows saving human lives. In 2016, various natural disasters happened, for instance Taiwan earthquake, Pakistan floods, California forest fires, or Italy earthquake.

2017 has already brought some devastating meteorological phenomenon —such as Mocoa landslide tragedy in Putumayo’s capital, Colombia; or Peru floods caused by the atmospheric phenomenon "coastal El Niño". “Blood is crucial to treat casualties during emergencies of all types, and fulfils an essential function in maternal and perinatal care”, states the campaign’s organization.

World Blood Donor Day campaign has different goals. First, to encourage everybody to contribute with their communities’ health services donating blood for being prepared when facing emergencies. Second, to involve authorities in the establishment of effective national donating blood programs able to react to the increasing demand. Furthermore, to promote the inclusion of blood transfusions services, to raise awareness about the importance of blood donations, and to honour those who give blood, are other three objectives which the campaign hopes to achieve. Finally, it supports international collaboration, and looks after the global spreading and agreement of unpaid volunteer blood donation’s principles.

Vietnam is the host country of World Blood Donor Day 2017, in collaboration with its National Institute of Haematology and Blood Transfusion (NIHBT). WHO has prepared several graphic design materials such as posters, banners, mugs, T-shirts, caps, buttons, or stickers. Also, they have designed different images to share on social networks on June 14th. To find these materials, click on this link.

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