Mobilizations around the world from 20 to 27 September and a huge global strike on Friday 27. Greta Thundberg and organizations from all over the world have announced actions for the week, coinciding with the climate action summit in New York on 23 September.
Youth and environmental organizations as well as civil society organizations from all over the world have made a call to support this strike, because the climate emergency affects every person in the world. The movement wants to become a network to find solutions to the biggest challenge faced by humanity in history: demanding environmental and inter-generational justice, fight for a future and pressurise the governing classes to take responsible actions to tackle the climate emergency.
The summit in New York
On 23 September, the UN Headquarters in New York will host the Climate Action Summit. Greta Thundberg, who has announced she’ll be crossing the Atlantic on a solar racing yacht, is expected to attend. The mission for this summit is to speed up the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and it is called to become “an ambitious leap forward for national and collective politics” thanks to the financial support of the climate agenda.
Third global climate strike
The movement Fridays for Future is calling for a week of mobilization everywhere in the world during that week and a third global climate strike on 27 September. All organisations and people are invited to join and can register their action on the Climate Strike website.
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