
Tuesday, 01 August 2023 - No. 85

ISSN 2696-9734

News & Interviews
Karlos Castilla.
Karlos Castilla: “The goal behind National Adaptation Plans is to hold States accountable”

The lead researcher at IDHC calls for a preventive approach to the movement of persons that will be caused by climate emergency.

Susana Borràs.
Susana Borràs: “The responsibilities behind migration are invisible”

Susana Borràs-Pentinat, a member of the Centre for the Study of Environmental Law of Tarragona shares her thoughts on the need to deal with migration holistically.

In the last 30 years, the organization has managed to help more than 250,000 young people.
Rayane Monteiro: "61% of the participants in our program are hired and consolidate their career"

Renapsi is an organization dedicated to promoting learning programs for young people in vulnerable situations.

Nearly a thousand migrant people died on the routes to access Spain during the first semester of 2023.
The migration drama, in figures: nearly a thousand people dead on routes to Spain in six months

The report 'Monitoring Right to Life', by Walking Borders, confirms the increase in the deadly capacity of migration routes, especially the Canary route, during the first semester of 2023.

The current president, Macky Sall, has announced that he will not be running for a third term as the president of the country.
Senegal wants to leave behind the social tension after the president's resignation from a controversial third term

Lamine Sarr talk about Macky Sall's decision, who has announced that he will not run for re-election following popular pressure and the serious protests that the country has experienced.

In Palestine, thanks to the Palestinian Farmer's Union, pilot projects are already being developed to address the effects of climate change on agriculture.
Agriculture in the Mediterranean is transforming to become resilient to climate change

Agricultural practices centered around the use of pesticides and chemicals significantly exacerbate climate change, which is why the Palestinian Farmer's Union is already devising methods to change the sector.

Raúl Hernández Villasol
Sports as a right and a form of inclusion for refugees

A wide range of organizations across our society working in the service sector present a space to reflect on sports for refugees, a working day aligned with the International Day of Coexistence in Peace.

Jesús Ortiz
Every day is biodiversity day. Live it!

"Every day we lose around 150 species. It is easy to become alienated when the problem emerges thousands of kilometers away, but it also affects us close to home and, ultimately, we are talking about the same planet. We are all complicit"

Carme Suñé, Vice President of FundiPau and member of the Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament.
Women, peace, and disarmament: an agenda under construction

"Women have the fundamental right to participate in decision-making processes that affect them, such as disarmament processes".

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This newsletter is an initiative of the Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and a joint publication with Pere Tarres Foundation