arms exportation

The arms trade between Spain and Israel persists despite the genocide perpetrated in Gaza.

A report from the Centre Delàs highlights that, since October 7, the Spanish government has approved the purchase of Israeli weaponry worth more than one billion euros.

The campaign 'End the arms trade with Israel' brings together different entities urging the Spanish government to stop buying and selling weapons to Israel.

The campaign 'End the arms trade with Israel' brings together different entities urging the Spanish government to stop buying and selling weapons to Israel.

The report condemns the actions of the Israeli army to test different military materials and products on the civilian population.

The report ‘Combat proven business’ analyzes the current situation of the arms industry’s transactions in Israel and how it affects Palestine and its population.

Income from the top 100 arms companies rose 1.3% in 2020.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) publish a report that indicates that the revenues of the top 100 companies in the arms industry grew by 1.3% in 2020, a year marked by the global recession caused by covid-19.

Hightlight the BBVA, Santander, ING, Deutsche Bank, Banc Sabadell, Bankia and Caixabank.

The Centre Dèlas, in collaboration with the FETS, identifies for the first time the insurance companies and pension funds that collaborate with the military armament sector.

The arms trade and conflict

The Catalan Organization Delàs Centre of Studies for Peace launches a report on weapon exportation from EU countries to 20 countries that were the setting of 29 tense situations in 2015.
