
Enric Fabra i Monné , Technical Secretary of COHABITAC - Coordinator of foundations promoting and managing social rental housing in Catalonia.

Enric Fabra, coordinator of foundations that promote and manage social rental housing in Catalonia, explains to us what they do in their organization, highlighting the influence of other European countries to offer prices and housing that meet the real capabilities of the population.

A representation of the Platform of the Third Sector of Catalonia builds bridges with the third social sector of Sweden and Denmark in a new international mission.

From Stockholm to Copenhagen via Malmö and Lund, a representation of the Platform of the Third Social Sector of Catalonia has met the work of federations and entities of the Scandinavian third sector and has presented the work carried out by the entities in Catalonia.

In the last 30 years, the organization has managed to help more than 250,000 young people.

Renapsi is an organization dedicated to promoting learning programs for young people in vulnerable situations.

The Carabutsí association team after the shadow theater performance.

Social organizations from all over Europe have participated in this project aimed at young workers.

The Moldovan organizations visited Catalonia to learn  of Catalan inclusion enterprises.

On 22 May, the Federació d'Empreses d'Inserció de Catalunya (FEICAT) and the Taula del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya hosted around fifteen social economy and non-profit organizations from Moldova. 

Members of Taith.

Susana Galván, executive director, tells us about the meeting that took place in Catalonia to see possible collaborations between the two territories due to the shared challenges regarding formal and non-formal education.

Since 1995, scouts and guides from the Catalan-speaking territories meet in meetings for all 4Vents entities.

This initiative is promoted by 4Vents, a collaborative project between scouting and guides’ associations in the Valencian Community, Catalonia, Alghero, Majorca and Menorca.

Philippine's family

The Philippines is one of the countries presenting a higher level of repression, human rights abuses and violations against its population.

It is one of the groups of capacities that volunteering develops in its action, along with cognitive skills and meta-skills.

Volunteering is what keeps organizations alive, and it is done by people. They will need to know themselves, understand themselves and the rest of the team. Having a good set of emotional skills is necessary for volunteers to develop their task.

 Since 2013, the 'Cities Defenders of Human Rights' project has been working to make visible and support the work of human rights defenders.

From October 3 to 11, Catalonia welcomes eight activists from around the world to publicize their struggles.

Russell wanted to convey the need to mobilize civil society, "because everyone has something to contribute."

The social researcher places the actions and power of civil society and neighbourhoods at the centre. These actors can also make very positive contributions.


The castellers of London demonstrate that a Catalan tradition can take place in other parts of the world. Cuss Stephen Anderson, the president of the organization, explains us how it feels to practice castells so far from Catalonia.

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