
 NouSol has been running the Bobo-Dioulasso center project since 2018.

The Girona-based NGO NouSol has revitalized a Day Center for children and young people in the city of Burkina Faso.

"Kids of Sodom - E-waste in Ghana".

The Mobile Social Congress sheds light on the illegal trafficking of this waste and shares experiences of a waste dump in Ghana.


We fear that governments are yet again prioritising business instead of protecting people and that recovery instruments will not benefit the poor, or even risk generating increased poverty, with austerity looming again to restore public accounts.


Universal Basic Income in Europe is a proposal that makes sense, regardless of the pandemic, to end precariousness and poverty, and offering material guarantees to exercise one’s freedom.

Xavier Baró, president of the Ahead association.

The president of the Ahead association tells us about the projects in the organisation and how the poverty that is brought on by  the pandemic is affecting the most vulnerable groups.

BRAC estimates that it will take at least two more years for an economic recovery with the combined effort of government and non-government organisation.

We have talked with BRAC to know how Covid-19 has affected Bangladesh and its rates of extreme and new poverty.

In 2019, Care worked in 100 countries and worked with nearly 69 million people.

The director of knowledge management and learning for CARE talks about how Covid-19 has increased the number of people who are at risk of poverty and how reversing this growth.

The study describes and analyses the conditions of the most vulnerable people in Europe.

EAPN publishes a report that describes the conditions of the most vulnerable people in the EU and makes recommendations to the authorities.

The irruption of the Covid-19 has had a bigger effect on the poorest and most vulnerable people.

The poorest and most vulnerable people have been the most affected by the effects of the pandemic all over the world.

Child poverty will increase around the world due to Covid-19 crisis.

44% of new cases of child poverty will be recorded in Europe and Central Asia, according to Save the Children and UNICEF.

In Nepal, Millions of daily wage workers are unemployed and with families to feed.

Where there is poverty the Coronavirus is considered a minor threat. Millions of daily wage workers are unemployed and with families to feed. We have talked with Hugging Nepal to know how Covid-19 is affecting the country.


The ONE’s policy officer focused on issues surrounding global health, remarks the importance of the global response as the only answer to a global pandemic, not only to fight against Covid-19 but also to face the consequent economic impact.

