sustainable development

The Climate Summits are annual meetings organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

The youth organization YOUNGO, which brings together youth organizations fighting the climate emergency, has presented the Global Youth Declaration for Climate Justice in Dubai.

The United Nations Climate Change Conferences began to be held annually in 1995.

The twenty-eighth United Nations Conference on Climate Change is being held these weeks in Dubai.

Clàudia Custodio, researcher at the Global Debt Observatory, in an action at COP28.

The researcher of the Observatory of Debt in Globalization talks to us from Dubai about the negotiations that are being carried out at COP28.

The goal is to pave the way for information that works for global justice.

The dissemination of information about countries in conflict or other problems from entities and the media must contribute to international cooperation that is equal and respectful of global justice.

In Palestine, thanks to the Palestinian Farmer's Union, pilot projects are already being developed to address the effects of climate change on agriculture.

Agricultural practices centered around the use of pesticides and chemicals significantly exacerbate climate change, which is why the Palestinian Farmer's Union is already devising methods to change the sector.

Beatriz Felipe has been studying the phenomenon of climate migration for more than ten years.

Climate migration is a concept being used more and more often, but applying for refuge based on this reason is not yet envisaged as a possibility and, in fact, it is complicated to justify migration based on this.

Karlos Castilla.

The lead researcher at IDHC calls for a preventive approach to the movement of persons that will be caused by climate emergency.

Since 2017, the Open Arms organization has rescued more than 66,000 people.

Open Arms has different formats to do work on climate migration with children, teens, and youth.

Currently, only France and Italy have similar regulation to the EU.

The Food Loss and Waste Prevention law is a pioneer in Spain.

Participants crossed up to 28 countries, cycling more than 10,000 km.

Each year, an expedition of bikes equipped with solar panels leaves Brussels and crosses around thirty countries, covering more than 10,000 km to encourage a debate on sustainable mobility.

Article allows an interaction between entrepreneurs, suppliers, mentors and financial institutions.

The digital platform allows interaction between the main stakeholders of the green and circular business ecosystem and brings together methodologies and tools developed by the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production.

Humans consume the same amount of ecological resources as if we lived in 1.6 Planets.

This is the date when we exceed the resources that the Planet can generate, according to the Global Footprint Network.

