third sector


This compilation is sourced from the European competence framework of third sector leadership created by the EU3leader project.


We move away from a personalistic approach to a leader towards a model of shared leadership integrated into the team, and this lower the pressure that is placed on a leader.

Carlos Cortés.   Source: Marketing Acción

Carlos Cortés is a consultant and executive coach specializing in HR within the Social Third Sector. In this interview, he talks to us about leadership and leaders’ role in non-profit organization.

Thinking.   Source: Pixabay

It is the topic of NCVO Annual Conference 2018 which takes place on monday 16 April in London. 

Clock. Photo: Pixabay

One of the goals of 2025 is to regain the two hours of time difference with the rest of the world.

Food waste. Photo: U.S Department of Agriculture, Flickr

weSAVEeat brings shops and users together in order to sell the surplus of the day at cheaper prices.

Massimo Ferrara.     Source: Adrià Milan

Massimo Ferrara, of A&I Cooperativa Sociale Onlus, talks about creativity and opportunities in the third sector organisations.

Michael Wimmer.       Source: Educult.

Michael Wimmer, executive, research & consultingtal of Educult, talks about the creativity in the third sector organizations.

Lejla Sehic Relic.      Source:

Lejla Sehic Relic, executive director of Volunteer Centre Osijektalks about the creativity and other relevant values in the third sector organisations.


A lot is written about what constitutes 'good leadership'. What skills and qualities do you need to achieve it?

Spanish security corps hitting peaceful demonstrators. Photo: Twitter

Human rights and peace organisations condemn the violence and repression committed by the Spanish security corps during the referendum.

Laia Bernués, territorial delegate of AFEV Barcelona. Photo: AFEV Barcelona

The enTàndem project creates links between university volunteering and children at risk of social exclusion with the aim of encouraging children’s autonomy and self-esteem. 

