
 Many Afghan women have been widowed as a result of the conflict and the pandemic.

The NGO provides financial assistance to these women, who run their own families and are unable to work due to Taliban bans.

The Taliban have declared an end to the conflict and proclaimed the Islamic Emirate.

The rise of fundamentalists threatens to aggravate the situation of a civilian population that has been severely punished by years of conflict resulting from collective irresponsibility.

The conflict in Yemen is the bloodiest of today's history.

NGOs denounce the Spanish government's complicity with the Saudi coalition for the war in Yemen after four years since the bloodiest conflict in history began.

Refugee camp in  Democratic Republic of Congo. The Guardian.

In its latest report, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) claims the situation in DRC is critical since December.   


In a world where the violence is everywhere, it’s important to be aware that peace is not a wish, but a construct that requires continued efforts from everyone.


Recently was the 80th anniversary of the coup that marked the beginning of a terrible civil war in Spain and then a dictatorship that lasted 36 years.

Image: www.visionofhumanity.org

Iceland, Denmark, Austria, New Zealand and Portugal are at the top of rank in the 2016 Global Peace Index.

Amal al Torchani in her way to school in Misrata, Lybia / Photograph: Jordi Bartomeu Farrús, Flickr

The Alert 2016! report from the School for a Culture of Peace (Escola de Cultura de Pau), analyzes the World in terms of conflict and the possibilities of building peace. The report highlights the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war, as well as five possible scenarios for the building of peace.

Refugee Camp - Font: Pixabay

The figure of displaced people is now more than 60 million. Syria, Afghanistan or Somalia are some of the countries these people are fleeing. We will examine this humanitarian crisis to try to understand what is happening.

