older people

Sarah Loriato, AGE Policy Officer on Employment and Participation and EP Liaison Officer.

Sarah Loriato, AGE Policy Officer on Employment and Participation and EP Liaison Officer, explains their work from AGE Platform Europe to "combat ageism and promote human rights throughout life in all areas of society."


"We will continue working to show the European Parliament that our independence and autonomy as people should not be limited"


The gift and blessing of aging should really be a celebration for every one of us. But realistically, it cannot always be that way. For far too many older people, ageing is still a real challenge.

The document shows the situation in Europe and gives some recommendations that European Union should do to fight against this situation.

The European Disability Forum has published a report to show the impact of Covid-19 on this group of people and the failed strategy of the European Union to protect them.

Older persons have faced both direct and indirect forms of discrimination during the pandemic.

The Policy Coordinator of Human Rights and Non-Discrimination at AGE Platform Europe talks about how older people have suffered the consequences of the pandemic and what measures are necessary to support them.  

Older people have been exposed to increased risk of violence, abuse and neglect without access to prevention or support services.

The senior Rights Policy Advisor of HelpAge talks about how Covid-19 has affected older people and what kind of global response will be necessary in the immediate future.

Pasqual Maragall Foundation has issued a series of recommendations for people living with a relative who has Alzheimer’s.

The Pasqual Maragall Foundation shares some recommendations for people taking care of relatives with this disease.
