Esplais Catalans (Esplac) presents a new international project focused on human rights and children's participation so them become aware of their environment and their rights.
‘Kids Got Rights’ is an international project of Esplais Catalans (Esplac) that calls for the fulfillment of children’s rights. These will be the main topics of the initiative, where children will participate in meetings, organize workshops and train to raise awareness of their rights and their environment.
Children's participation is essential for them to be aware of their rights and the importance of not being violated. "The objective of 'Kids Got Rights' is to work with children, to put them at the center, fleeing adultcentrism", explains the head of the Espai de Coordinació Internacional, Mar Gordó. With the slogan ‘Children! It’s time to stand up for your rights’, they want the message permeate among children.
The project is coordinated by the IFM-SEI, a non-profit organization based in Brussels (Belgium) that fights for children's rights. The participation of Esplac and other entities from England, Italy, Denmark, Slovenia, Finland and Austria make the project international. However, this whole process will be accompanied by the Grup de Recerca d'Educació Moral (GREM) of the Universitat de Barcelona, which will provide the tools and needed methodology for children's participation.
A project on human rights for children
‘Kids Got Rights’ will last more than a year, starting this April and ending in September 2022 with meetings in Rome (Italy), Salzburg (Austria), Kent (England) and Barcelona. Will be formed one or two groups -according to the inscriptions- of fifteen children between 10 and 13 years old.
Regarding to international meetings and mobility restrictions due to the pandemic, the organization hopes that the activities can be developed with normality, but if not, they could be readjusted to carry them out. “Some activities are already expected to be online, but we also have them organized face-to-face. If they couldn't be done, we would do them online or reformulate them in some way. In any case, the international meetings are from August 2021 and we hope that then they can be done without problems ", wishes Gordó.
To participate, it's necessary to be a member of an Esplac leisure center, be in the age range and, as announced by the organization, be motivated to participate, defend and claim human rights. By filling out the registration form and sending a video, a drawing, a photo, an email, etc. children will be able to enjoy a unique experience learning to fight for their rights.
In case of the applications exceed the places marked, a selection process will be carried out based on the participation criteria of the international projects. For more information you can write an email to
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