Highlight The Go Further Program: Saving women's lives from cervical cancer in sub-Saharan Africa A study by ACPP, ACATHI and Kaliladea analyzes the state of LGTBI rights in Honduras, Guatemala and El SalvadorNews How to incorporate the intercultural perspective into organizationsNews 'Totes veïnes' shows the difficulties many people have in registering as residentsNews Addressing the climate emergency from ecofeminism and food sovereigntyNews Yakhare Traore: “African women are also here and we are part of this community”News UNESCO Master Class Series against Racism and DiscriminationNews Barcelona will host the Annual General Assembly of the European Pride Organizers Association in 2025News AutisMIND Videos: An Interactive Platform to Promote Adaptation for Autistic IndividualsNews The 20th Forum Against Gender Violence Advocates for Bodily AutonomyNews The Effects of the Climate Emergency on Children's Mental Health: the DANA in ValenciaNews An initiative promoted by Catalan cooperativism forms an economic fund of solidarity with the popular economy in PalestineNews 5 risk contexts in the world, according to the report 'Alert 2024!News Keys and tips for collaboration between entities and companiesNews How to promote the participation of users in the organizationNews show more