
Adriana Ribas

To reach a better, fairer, and more sustainable future, the European Union must place human rights first and at the heart of its debates and actions. 

"We call for a Europe that prioritizes reception and protection, ensuring medical assistance, ending violence along borders, establishing a...

Òscar Camps

"We demand an answer and accountability for this unacceptable attack and call on the international community to double its efforts to protect...

Josep Tort

Small works and small Individuals for a great task

Maria Paltré AND Yaiza Blanch.

"The consumer cooperative model allows us to articulate energy management from an approach that responds to the satisfaction of needs."

Nusa Urbancic

Nusa Urbancic, CEO, Changing Markets Foundation, investigates Nestlé’s lack of climate action. If they are serious about tackling climate...

Josep Carné Teixidó

"We will continue working to show the European Parliament that our independence and autonomy as people should not be limited"