climate change

Children cycling on a street flooded by rain.

A billion children live in countries with a very high risk of exposure to heat waves, cyclones, floods or air pollution, according to the Unicef ​​report on children’s climate risk index.

Humans consume the same amount of ecological resources as if we lived in 1.6 Planets.

This is the date when we exceed the resources that the Planet can generate, according to the Global Footprint Network.

Nuclear power plant.

The Stop Ecocide Foundation has already drafted a legal definition to be submitted to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


Growing awareness on this issue must become a turning point that allows us to effectively materialize a reduction in single-use plastics. Now, more than ever before, we need all social and economic agents to act responsibly to deal with this plastic pandemic.

The irruption of the Covid-19 has had a bigger effect on the poorest and most vulnerable people.

The poorest and most vulnerable people have been the most affected by the effects of the pandemic all over the world.


Maybe, returning to normality should be done from a different lens, with a special focus on protecting nature and the environment.

LIFE funds projects under its environment and climate action.

The European Commission has launched its 2020 call for nature conservation, environmental and climate change projects proposals.


The satellite images published by the European Space Agency show a considerable reduction on the nitrogen dioxide concentration


We had to wait until the last day, with negotiations ‘in extremis’, to affirm what we already knew: that the agreement reached at the summit does not cut it.


This global group of parents and grandparents has been created to support their children and take action to combat climate change.

Some NGOs, the academia and other working groups are making big efforts so that climate-related causes are added to the grounds for seeking a refugee status.

Same World is a European project to raise awareness on environmental justice, dealing also with climate refugees. We talk to Gigi Guizzo from the Asceps association, and the person in charge of the project in Catalonia.

Greta Thundberg has announced  she’ll attend to the Climate Action Summit.

Mobilizations around the world from 20 to 27 September and a huge global strike on Friday 27. Greta Thundberg and organizations from all over the world have announced actions for the week, coinciding with the climate action summit in New York on 23 September.

