
Barcelonas UdG University is currently drawing up a protocol for the recognition of previous studies .

At the University of Girona (UdG) , the Social Commitment and Professional Guidance Unit (UCSOP) manages several aid and support programs for refugees.


In 2022, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) approved its ' International Emergencies and Alerts Protocol ', which incorporated, as an annex, the Refugee Reception Program.


In 2022, the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) approved its ' International Emergencies and Alerts Protocol ', which incorporated, as an annex, the Refugee Reception Program.

Event 'Barcelona: City and university refuge'.

The University of Barcelona (UB) , through the entity Solidaritat UB has had a scholarship program for people from conflict zones since 2015 .

The British Benevolent Association supports British citizens in the Girona counties and also organizes celebrations.

The British Benevolent Association (BBA) supports British people who live or pass through the Girona counties of Catalonia through volunteering.

Ursula von der Leyen, Mark Rutte, Giorgia Meloni and Kaïs Saïed, during the signing of the agreement. Source: Twitter @vonderleyen

Human rights defender organizations criticize the Brussels pact and the Tunisian government for abandoning hundreds of sub-Saharan refugees at the borders with Libya and Algeria.

Beatriz Felipe has been studying the phenomenon of climate migration for more than ten years.

Climate migration is a concept being used more and more often, but applying for refuge based on this reason is not yet envisaged as a possibility and, in fact, it is complicated to justify migration based on this.

For now, the main climate migration processes are affecting the continents of Africa, Asia and Oceania.

Persons have been on the move due to climate change throughout history and, unfortunately, this reason is becoming more and more habitual.


"The world is increasingly globalized, and interculturality and interraciality are an unstoppable reality. We must find new ways to overcome the fear of what is unknown and different, leave prejudices behind."


Female migrant workers are an example of strength and perseverance who often go unseen by a large proportion of society.

Aisha is one of the participants in Farmamundi's videos to inform migrant women about sexual and reproductive health rights.

The Farmamundi organization launches this virtual tool in five languages ​​to facilitate knowledge of the Catalan public health circuit.

Artificial intelligence is used in border controls to discriminate against migrants.

Over one hundred civil society organizations have submitted proposed amendments to ban the use of these technologies in migratory contexts such as border control.

