
Social Organizations Call for a Peaceful Europe Ahead of the June 9 Elections

Nearly two hundred Catalan and other Spanish collectives are demanding an end to the militaristic spiral and promoting policies of peace, détente, and shared security.


Small works and small Individuals for a great task

Xarxa Mai Més Network event with Secondary School students from the city of Lleida.

The Xarxa Mai Més, promoted by the Amical de Mauthausen and other camps, focuses on municipalism, educational centers, and organizations to recover and defend the memory of deportation and raise awareness against fascism.

The activist has been working since any time for peace and the rights of donations to his country of origin, Afghanistan.

The Afghan writer and activist has been recognized with this distinction awarded annually by the Reus Reading Center and the Josep Vidal i Llecha Association.


Only their complete elimination will prevent this danger

The Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament has been presented to the public at an event in Madrid.

Forty-five organizations from across the state have joined forces to create the Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament, which demands that the Spanish Government adheres to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).


The nonviolence that Gandhi advocated and practiced has shown us that there are very powerful tools to fight injustice in a constructive way.

One of the actions of the campaign Stop the Wars in Lleida.

The 'Stop the wars' campaign organizes demonstrations in front of government offices to say no to war escalation and militarism, while proposing alternatives such as non-violent struggle.

Nowadays, no one doubts that the best tool to end the world's nuclear arsenal is the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

The entity goes over the agreement path since its approval and implementation, as well as the obligations that it entails and the support that has gathered till now.

NOVACT and ICIP have launched a joint project to give prominence to non-violent resistance in Ukraine.

A joint mission of NOVACT and the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) has traveled to the conflict to gather support and document citizen resistance initiatives, which will be captured in a series of videos.


When January arrives, a curricular campaign comes with it which we have named Dia Escolar de la Noviolència I la Pau (School Day of Nonviolence and Peace), a campaign that many centres understand only as the antithesis of violence and, therefore, of war.
