
Eva Erill is the director and founder of Solidarios Sin Fronteras.

The director of Solidarios Sin Fronteras, the only Catalan and Spanish NGO working in Yemen, denounces that the conflict in the Arab country is the most silenced and forgotten on the planet.


This report is part of the "Territories in Transition" initiative of the Third Sector Platform of Catalonia, which wants to publicize the social agenda and the third sector in other places in the world. 


Carla Riestra, executive president of Cooperand, tells us about this Andorran non-profit organization that provides aid to at-risk children in Bolivia.


Europe has so far failed to take substantial action to ensure people’s access to adequate minimum income. We truly hope that this is about to change now.

By the end of 2022, 860 million people could live in extreme poverty.

In total, by the end of 2022, 860 million people could be in a situation caused by inequalities that have been exacerbated by the pandemic, inflation and war in Ukraine, according to a report by Intermón Oxfam.

These women can be economically independent thanks to the Afrikable production groups

This organization believes in Fair Trade as a tool for women development and its goals go beyond of contributing decisively to the advancement of the 2030 Agenda.

Healthy life expectancy adds a new dimension of quality to the number of years lived.

The EAPN is committed to the home model as an alternative to the residential one and emphasizes the importance of healthy life expectancy as a key indicator for assessing a country’s health status.


To achieve a just and equitable recovery, it is urgent to abandon the piecemeal approach maintained until now and develop policies that address the structural causes of the problem.


The crisis is clearly showing us that an adequate and sustainable social protection system is needed in Europe.


The short-term wellbeing costs of COVID-19 have been severe. The pandemic is having profound effects on poor and marginalized groups, increasing poverty rates and widening gaps between different groups in society. SDG Watch Europe calls for urgent actions!

Dr. Patricia Lucas, an independent research consultant and professor at the University of Bristol, in the United Kingdom.

The researcher in the University of Bristol, promoter of several reports on data poverty along with Rosa Robinson, is one of the speakers participating in M4Social Day.

NASA space launch in 2020.

We analyze the environmental and social impact of the space race with the Debt Observatory in Globalization (ODG).

