
A nuclear exchange would be catastrophic, and nuclear war between the US and Russia would present an existential threat.


Russia is not only violating the sovereignty of one of it’s neighbours and its people, but is also questioning the whole architecture of global security, and is using the fragile situation of a dysfunctional and ineffective UN Security Council.


The peace movement can make an important contribution to this process of détente through popular diplomacy from below. 

The International Crisis Group has compiled a list of ten international conflicts to follow in 2022.

An International Crisis Group (IGC) document lists ten sources of conflict in the world that need to be noticed this year.

Putin has launched a military operation in Ukraine to "demilitarize" the country, he said.

ICIP Director Kristian Herbolzheimer and Delás Center Honorary President Pere Ortega reflect on the causes and consequences of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine.

The possibility of an open war in the heart of Europe is becoming more and more real.

Researcher and honorary president of the Delàs Center, Pere Ortega, unravels the crisis that threatens to provoke an open war in central Europe.

