
The Strategy recognises, supports and promotes the unique value and contribution of volunteers to Irish society.

With actions to be implemented over the next five years, the Strategy set a general direction of travel for government policy in relation to the volunteers and the volunteering environment.

Katharina Foerster, project manager of Berlin European Volunteering Capital 2021.

The project manager of Berlin European Volunteering Capital 2021 talks about the many challenges they lie ahead and the current state of volunteering in the German city.

Gdansk was announced as the European Volunteering Capital 2022.

The city has been chosen ahead of the others candidates, the Italian town of Gorizia, the Spanish capital, Madrid and the Turkish city of Izmir.


Volunteers have done a discreet but essential task, making little noise, to keep people from falling deeper into a well of hopelessness and helplessness.

Young people all over the world have had an active role during the pandemic.

This webinar analyses how volunteering provides a space for young people to navigate both the challenges they face and the responses they provide in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Volunteering in prison is a relational commitment of equality. It is a space to bring dignity into a meeting between two people who are exercising their right to decide, freely.

Nadia Ghulam, writer and peace activist.

Nadia Ghulam, writer and peace activist, stresses the importance of volunteering and values ​​education to be an active agent for peace.

Volunteering is a key component of social inclusion and integration of disadvantaged young people.

The closing event of this Erasmus+ funded project, which takes place on 18 November, will be an opportunity to learn about new practices and innovation and measuring the influence of volunteering on social inclusion.


The role of volunteering to combat the stigmatization of refugees and migrants will be the central theme of CEV's Autumn Volunteering Congress 2020.

The congress takes place from 20 to 23 October in Padova.

The event will value the role of volunteering and solidarity in times of crisis.


For associations to exist, you need onlookers who applaud and who will drop by once in a while, members who support the association from its grassroots, and activists who dedicate the best years of their lives.


Is art a therapy? From my experience I can say it isn’t. Nevertheless, it does help communication processes, it relaxes the patients, it invites them to evade and also it helps them to meet their inner selves. 

