
The webinar takes place on 24th July.

The European Volunteer Centre (CEV) organizes a webinar to explore some actions to support volunteering and civil society actions in times of post-pandemic.  


We need to reform the political, health, and social systems. The crisis clearly highlighted structured inequalities in the way these systems are organised and the need not just for their 'reboot', but for a complete debug.

Summer activities are crucial in this post-confinement phase.

Samia Fitouri, communications manager of WOSM, talks about the role of Scouts during the pandemic and how summer camps will adapt to the new health rules.

The toolkit will include suggestions about how volunteering in events can best lead to longer term volunteering.

The European Volunteer Centre organises a webinar to identify what are the specificities of volunteering in the new reality.

Numerous volunteer initiatives have been launched to support the most vulnerable people all over Europe.

Citizens all across Europe are volunteering to support vulnerable people and each other during this crisis period. The European Volunteer Centre has compiled some examples.

In Padova, volunteers made themselves available to be trained and then help most vulnerable people.

The team of the European Volunteering Capital Padova 2020 has decided to take an active role to help risk population groups during the Covid-19’s health crisis. 


One interesting feature of the UK’s C19 experience is how many citizens (and celebrities) are now choosing to give their time and money directly to the National Health Service - a universally popular institution, but predominately funded by Government.


What a time! Good to be asked to write and make some sense of the COVID 19 crisis from a volunteering perspective in Scotland.


Despite the importance of physical distance, which can mean health these days, volunteering has shown different, beautiful, and in many aspects, new colours of social connection and solidarity. 

The European Mentoring Summit 2019 took place in Berlin.

The Congress brings together academia, professionals, volunteers, public administrations, foundations and private companies in a major debate around mentoring from the 7th to the 9th of October.

Berlin was announced as the European Volunteering Capital 2021.

CEV calls for applications for the title of European Volunteering Capital Competition 2022.


Volunteering brings you closer to a different culture, to the importance of altruism as a tool to build a better world and forms you to be an open person who embraces the world in its full diversity.

