
The arms trade between Spain and Israel persists despite the genocide perpetrated in Gaza.

A report from the Centre Delàs highlights that, since October 7, the Spanish government has approved the purchase of Israeli weaponry worth more than one billion euros.

A hundred municipalities, eighty-one of them Catalan, have approved motions supporting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and are urging the Spanish government to sign it.

A hundred municipalities, eighty-one of them Catalan, approve motions supporting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and call on the Spanish government to sign it.

The campaign 'End the arms trade with Israel' brings together different entities urging the Spanish government to stop buying and selling weapons to Israel.

The campaign 'End the arms trade with Israel' brings together different entities urging the Spanish government to stop buying and selling weapons to Israel.

Tica Font is one of the most authoritative voices on the issue of autonomous weapons.

The Centre Delàs is an active part of the international campaign #StopKillerRobots, which calls for the prohibition of autonomous weapon systems that can make all decisions.


Only their complete elimination will prevent this danger

The Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament has been presented to the public at an event in Madrid.

Forty-five organizations from across the state have joined forces to create the Alliance for Nuclear Disarmament, which demands that the Spanish Government adheres to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

Nowadays, no one doubts that the best tool to end the world's nuclear arsenal is the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

The entity goes over the agreement path since its approval and implementation, as well as the obligations that it entails and the support that has gathered till now.

The conflict in Yemen is the bloodiest of today's history.

NGOs denounce the Spanish government's complicity with the Saudi coalition for the war in Yemen after four years since the bloodiest conflict in history began.
