European Union

The study by three organizations working on the ground highlights bureaucratic repression and the systematic violation of migrants' rights in the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla.

The study by three organizations working on the ground highlights bureaucratic repression and the systematic violation of migrants' rights in the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla.

They are based on cooperation and ask for collaboration between entities from different countries.

European grants come with some specificities due to their transnational nature that are relevant when applying for them.

The Council of Europe.

ILGA complains that the complexity of diplomatic relations in the European Union makes it difficult to comply with human rights, and ECRI collects in a report the situation in Hungary.

The primary objective is the protection of children.

In December, the European Union announced an initiative to recognize paternity uniformly in all member states.

Putin has launched a military operation in Ukraine to "demilitarize" the country, he said.

ICIP Director Kristian Herbolzheimer and Delás Center Honorary President Pere Ortega reflect on the causes and consequences of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine.


Volunteering involves millions of citizens in the European Union acting out of solidarity for others.


The criminal justice framework often harms the rights of trafficked persons and related vulnerable groups, while its scope is far too limited to deal with the complexity of trafficking in human beings.

The EU wants to dentify innovative practices for social services

The survey is open to participation until December 3rd and aims to map innovative social service initiatives.

Europe has initiated sanctions on member states that do not defend LGTBI rights.

European policies are moving forward to defend the rights of LGBTI people while some member states are failing to meet their commitments and criminalise these groups.

Stronger youth voice in politics is necessary to offer a more positive speech.  Source: WOSM Flickr

A transnational campaign that will be launched in late January, will mobilise a critical mass of young people to gain awareness of their important role in shaping the future agenda of the European Union.

Dominique Boren.     Source: IdemTV

He is currently the president of NELFA (Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations) and is part of the APGL (Association des Parents et futurs parents Gays et Lesbiens) in France.

Circular economy.

Circular economy supports managing resources more sustainably. Extending the life of products and recycling are just two proposals to achieve this.

