migration policy

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency celebrates two decades of unstoppable growth.

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency celebrates two decades of unstoppable growth, marred by accusations of human rights violations and lack of transparency. 

The European migration pact that questions the right to asylum and undermines human rights

Entities defending the rights of migrants and refugees criticize an agreement that strengthens border control and toughens reception conditions.

Caminando Fronteras numbers more than 2,300 victims who attempted to enter Spain in 2022.

The organisation highlights the lethal consequences of the necropolitical boundary in a report entitled 'Monitoring the Right to Life - 2022’.

The Spanish government has applauded the police action and described the situation as "well resolved".

Several voices from human rights groups condemn the killing at the Melilla fence, where about 40 people have died, and demand responsibility and reparation for the victims.

Blanes Solidari is an organization that will turn thirty years old this year.

Blanes Solidari is an organization that has been involved in many social causes and has worked to promote diverse organizational spaces over its almost three decades of existence.


The reform of the regulation respects the right of young migrants to integration and participation in our society.

The reform of the immigration regulations was due to be approved in August but has been halted.

Entities and groups demand the unblocking of the reform to facilitate the inclusion and reception of foreign minors and ex-wards of the state of legal age.

‘The prize is not a medal, it is saving your life’ is the slogan of the ‘Change the rules’ campaign.

La Comissió Espanyola d'Ajuda al Refugiat (Spanish Commission for Refugees) demands that the authorities guarantee the rights of migrants and refugees.

The CIE of the Zona Franca has prevented the visits of relatives and entities since it reopened after the pandemic.

Various organizations and groups encourage to mobilize against these spaces and demand an end to institutional violence.

Gemma Pinyol explains that "the right to seek asylum and maritime rescue are being violated"

The growing number of minors and youths that migrate alone has pushed the protection system to the brink of collapsing.

Front image of the i am a migrant platform's website

These are some of the stories shared through UN Migration Agency's platform i am a migrant, a space that aims to fight xenophobia and antiimmigration narratives

A mother and her son looking for a better future. Photo: CAFOD Photo Library, Flickr

The international human rights organisation denounces European governments as supportive of exploitation and smuggling of refugees in Libya.

