
The European Border and Coast Guard Agency celebrates two decades of unstoppable growth.

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency celebrates two decades of unstoppable growth, marred by accusations of human rights violations and lack of transparency. 


"We call for a Europe that prioritizes reception and protection, ensuring medical assistance, ending violence along borders, establishing a proactive search and rescue mechanism, that does not criminalize persons seeking refuge, and that guarantees legal and safe routes."

The European migration pact that questions the right to asylum and undermines human rights

Entities defending the rights of migrants and refugees criticize an agreement that strengthens border control and toughens reception conditions.

Caminando Fronteras numbers more than 2,300 victims who attempted to enter Spain in 2022.

The organisation highlights the lethal consequences of the necropolitical boundary in a report entitled 'Monitoring the Right to Life - 2022’.

No Name Kitchen condemns the impossibility of apply for asylum in Ceuta.

The organization assures that asylum requests cannot be processed, either online or in person, which leaves people in a situation of lack of protection.


The New European Pact regulating migration and asylum does not come close to guaranteeing access to the asylum procedure with every guarantee and will encourage collective returns of migrants and potential applicants for international protection.

Refugees using different tech devices. Photo: Techfugees

Smartphones and technology have changed how people respond to large humanitarian crisis. The aim of the project is giving response to the needs of refugees.

Pascale Coissard, the spokesperson of the Catalan Refugee Aid Commission - Photo: CCAR

The spokesperson of the Catalan Refugee Aid Commission, Pascale Coissard, tells us about the situation experienced by many refugees and the task carried out by her organisation to defend their rights.

Refugees about to sink. Photo: Wikimedia

The purpose of the campaign is to make sure Spain welcomes at least the 17,337 refugees to which it committed itself.

Eritrean woman. Photo: Gabriele François Casin, MSF

The humanitarian organisation has claimed that the EU collaborates with the government of Eritrea and other countries to stop them from reaching Europe.


The inaction of the European Union regarding the refugee crisis is an example of institutional racism, writes SOS Racisme's director Alba Cuevas.
