human righs

The study by three organizations working on the ground highlights bureaucratic repression and the systematic violation of migrants' rights in the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla.

The study by three organizations working on the ground highlights bureaucratic repression and the systematic violation of migrants' rights in the Canary Islands, Ceuta, and Melilla.

Xavier Adsarà is the director of FNPH in Spain and the president of the organization at the European level.

We speak with the director of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos Foundation in Spain, and president of the organization in Europe, about the work the foundation has been doing in Haiti for decades.  

It is about working on advocacy through education.

The participation of children and young people as holders of the human right to work must be always guaranteed 

The Coalition Prou Complicitat amb Israel has led the campaign to break the twinning agreement between Barcelona and Tel-Aviv.

The decision arrives after a long campaign of solidarity with the Palestinian people and public support for an initiative to revoke an agreement that dates back to 1998.

The border between Mexico and Guatemala is one of the most dangerous in the world, and crossing it involves serious situations of all kinds of violence.

Feminist cooperative Almena works on the project ‘Feminist shelter: Let’s transform together’, and its main objective is to contribute to the well-being of women, teenagers and girls applying for asylum on the border between Mexico and Guatemala.

The Melilla fence in an archive image.

The organization has released a report with evidence of crimes under international law and calls for justice six months after the events that led to the death of at least 37.


Russia is not only violating the sovereignty of one of it’s neighbours and its people, but is also questioning the whole architecture of global security, and is using the fragile situation of a dysfunctional and ineffective UN Security Council.


The peace movement can make an important contribution to this process of détente through popular diplomacy from below. 

Setem Catalunya organized Mobile Social Congreess to offer a critical approach to today’s technology.

SETEM Catalunya’s campaign on “Fair Electronics” offers a critical approach to today’s technology and the way it is produced and consumed.

LGBTI associations have expressed their concern with regards to the situation of women and LGBTI people.

Homosexuality, which is a fairly common practice among young and adult men, is not recognized as an orientation and is considered a sin and serious crime, and is strictly prohibited by Sharia law.

Art therapy offers the possibility to provide these women with psychotherapy.

Expressing feelings and experiences through art is part of the recovery process for women that are treated at the Fundació Surt. Their works can be visited at the Galeria Atelier in Barcelona.

In the last two weeks, three people have died in Catalan prisons

A group of organisations have issued a statement after the three deaths that have occurred in Catalan prisons in the last two weeks.

